As a professional educator and leader, all RITCA Members/Coach will:


  • Exemplify the highest moral character as a role model for young people.
  • Recognize the individual worth and reinforce the self-image of each team member.
  • Encourage and assist team members to set personal goals to achieve their highest academic potential.
  • Create a set of training rules for athletes which reflects the positive values of abstaining from the use of drugs (including performance enhancing drugs), alcohol and tobacco.
  • Strive to develop the qualities of leadership, initiative, and good judgment in each team member.
  • Communicate and interpret program goals and objectives to parents and community.
  • Provide a safe environment for practice and competition.
  • Gain an awareness of the importance of prevention, care and treatment of athletic injuries.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of the meet officials.
  • Teach and abide by the rules in letter and in spirit.
  • Build and maintain ethical relationships with coaches and administrators.
  • Strive for excellence in coaching skills and techniques through professional improvement.
  • Promote personal fitness and good nutrition.
  • Be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
  • Encourage a healthy respect for the overall athletic program and its vital roles in education.
