RI Indoor Track and Field 2024-2025
- Boys Co-Director – Bill Barrass, Barrington High School Boys Track and Field Head Coach, also serves as the RITCA President. barrassw@barringtonschools.org.
- Boys Co-Director – James Lourenco, La Salle Academy Boys Track and Field Assistant Coach – lourenco.james@gmail.com
- Girls Director – Frank Notarianni, Cranston West Boys and Girls Trach and Field Head Coach – fnotarianni@cpsed.net
- Here is a link to the RIIL Indoor Track and Field Website – maintained by Ken Skelly – RIIL Sport Director – Email Ken with questions regarding RIIL competitions – ritrackandfield1@gmail.com
- Here is the link to the current ’24-’25 Schedule
- Here is a link to the current RITCA Indoor Track and Field Coaches Handbook
- Here is a link to the RIIL Track and Field Rules and Guidelines
- Here is a link to purchase the 2024-2025 NFHS Track and Field Rule book and Case book